What Percentage of Chicago is Black?

Find out what percentage of Chicago is black according to latest census data. Learn about the history of African Americans in Chicago and their impact on its culture and economy.

What Percentage of Chicago is Black?

Chicago, a bustling city on the shores of Lake Michigan in Illinois, is one of the largest cities in the United States. It is renowned for its iconic architecture, boasting a skyline filled with skyscrapers such as the 1,451-foot John Hancock Center and the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower). The city also features neo-Gothic style buildings like the Tribune Tower. Chicago is also home to some of the most renowned museums in the country, such as the Art Institute of Chicago, which houses an impressive collection of impressionist and post-impressionist works.

But what percentage of Chicago is black? According to the latest census data, approximately 33% of Chicago's population is African American. This figure has remained relatively stable over the past decade, with only a slight decrease from 34% in 2010. The African American population in Chicago is concentrated in certain areas of the city. The South Side is home to many African American residents, with some neighborhoods having a majority black population. The West Side also has a large African American population, with some areas having up to 90% black residents.

The African American population in Chicago has a long and rich history. The Great Migration of African Americans from the South to the North began in 1910 and lasted until 1970. During this time, many African Americans moved to Chicago in search of better economic opportunities and a better quality of life. This influx of African Americans had a major impact on the city's culture and demographics.

Today, African Americans are an integral part of Chicago's culture and economy. They are involved in many aspects of life in the city, from politics to business to education. They are also active participants in the city's vibrant arts and music scene. In conclusion, approximately 33% of Chicago's population is African American.

This figure has remained relatively stable over the past decade, with only a slight decrease from 34% in 2010. The African American population is concentrated in certain areas of the city, such as the South Side and West Side, where some neighborhoods have up to 90% black residents. African Americans have a long and rich history in Chicago and are an integral part of its culture and economy.

David Fleet
David Fleet

Hipster-friendly pop culture enthusiast. Passionate food lover. Incurable twitter guru. Typical music nerd. Total twitter scholar.

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